Cián du Giorgi
Cián du Giorgi
In Ligurian dialect, Cián du Giorgi means “Giorgi's Terracing”. A name that immediately conjures up an image, especially if we bear in mind that we are in the Cinque Terre National Park. Villages and terraces clamber up the mountainsides towards the skies, whilst down in the valley, the sunlight glitters on the sea. Where once everything seemed difficult, Riccardo Giorgi and Adeline Maillard's talent, passion and dogged determination have succeeded in taming and reviving centuries-old vineyards that had been left to their own devices for far too long. Their wines, all 100% natural, with every sip tell the precious tale of their history, a history profoundly linked to the place and to those who knew how to truly appreciate it.
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