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Become an Explorer

Every month we will present an unknown and exclusive winery we have discovered.
Every month you will receive what we consider to be its best bottle delivered directly to your door: a wine that is always new, exclusive and surprising.


There are emotions that only a subscription can give you.

Every month an exclusive label.
Plus one (on us).

You subscribe to receive
from 3 to 12 bottles of fine wines at home.
From the 10th month onwards, you will receive an extra bottle on us.


Talk with Gunter.

All our wines have great stories to tell and,
as a subscriber, you will be able to talk about them directly with Gunter.

The glass is always half full.

Rare, special, collector's items: every month
you never know which wine will arrive,
but you can always be sure it will be our favourite.

Choose to receive a surprise bottle from an exclusive winery every month. 
At 55 euros per month and with free shipping to Italy. And if you subscribe for 12 months and pay in a single instalment, you will receive a 10% discount.

Curiosità e scoperte

Fin da subito, sono stata colpita dai viaggi profondi e mai banali, e dalla voglia di scoprire ciò che è ancora nascosto. Essendo un' appassionata di vino, apprezzo la ricercatezza e le cose sconosciute che possono evocare ricordi di esperienze passate o il momento in cui sono state condivise.

La Versione di Gunter è una finestra su un mondo vinicolo sconosciuto.

Gunter mi ha dato l’opportunità di assaggiare vini mai provati prima e provenienti da aree a me sconosciute. I vini delle Azzorre mi hanno letteralmente trasportato in riva all’oceano mentre la Valtellina mi ha permesso di respirare l’aria di montagna in un calice.

Un viaggio nel mondo delle migliori cantine

Una avventura incredibile in giro per il mondo attraverso una meravigliosa e ricercata selezione di vini. Nella Versione di Gunter nulla è lasciato al caso : la scelta delle cantine, i racconti di queste ultime tra le parole e i luoghi dove tutto nasce, il packaging e l’eccellente Customer Service.

Un regalo per l'anima

Tra i migliori regali che potessi fare alla mia curiosità, al desiderio di essere stupito e di continuare a esplorare nuovi sapori.

Una selezione incredibile!

Non importa quanto siate esperti o appassionati: c'è il 99% di possibilità che i vini proposti da Gunter non li abbiate mai assaggiati prima. Eppure sono vini magnifici di cui non potrete fare a meno di parlare con i vostri amici.

Un divertimento continuo

Io e mia moglie ci siamo regalati l’abbonamento per festeggiare qualcosa ogni mese. In base al vino che arriva, decidiamo a cosa brindare. Per noi è un rito e anche un gioco, e il divertimento sta negli abbinamenti che ci inventiamo. P.S. I vini arrivati finora sono tutti strepitosi!

Un regalo che dura nel tempo

La prima bottiglie era meravigliosa, la seconda stupenda nella sua diversità! Ma soprattutto rimane il ricordo perpetrato degli auguri di chi mi ha fatto questo regalo!

The questions
you're asking yourself.

How much the does the subscription cost?
A subscription can last from 3 to 12 months and costs EUR 55 per month, including shipping costs if you live in Italy. You can choose to pay via a single payment or in convenient monthly instalments. And if you subscribe for 12 months and pay in a single instalment, you will receive a 10% discount.
Can I track my bottle?
Of course you can. Our forwarding agent sends you an e-mail every month with all the relevant information. From there on you can track the progress of your bottle and, if necessary, make arrangements to schedule its delivery.
Is subscription renewal automatic?
No, once it has expired, you can choose whether you wish to take out another subscription. Who knows, perhaps you might prefer to purchase new bottles individually or replace the ones you have enjoyed most?
Is there a way to know which wines I have already received?
Sure. Log in to your Account and click on MY WINES.
Can I give the subscription as a gift?
Of course, you can give it to whomever you like; likewise, you can choose for how many months: from a minimum of three to a maximum of twelve. If you are not sure that a surprise bottle every month would be a welcome gift (not everyone has an Explorer's spirit!) you can opt for one or more bottles already in the archive. If you choose an annual subscription and pay in a single instalment, you will receive a 10% discount.
How do I access the latest travel story and the wines from the winery of the month?
Through the QR code on the bottle you receive each month.
When do I receive my surprise bottle?
Within the first few days of each month, depending on the shipping address.
What payment options do I have?
You can make your purchases with a credit card, Paypal or Google Pay and Apple Pay.

Do you have any other questions? Do you have any special requirements?
Would you like to proceed with an unscheduled order?  
Please don't hesitate to contact us.
We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

What they write about us.

Grande Cucina

Gunter travels the world in search of small producers, limited editions, and hidden gems to create original and global wine lists.

Reporter Gourmet

La Versione di Gunter: here is the first e-commerce platform with rare niche wines from around the world.

The Good Life

La Versione di Gunter: every wine is a journey. And those who stop, end up dry.


La Versione di Gunter: the first wine e-commerce platform that brings together unique, rare, prestigious labels with limited editions.


La Versione di Gunter takes us on a tour of the continent's wine gems.

Oenologists 2.0? Here is the e-commerce to discover rare wines from around the world.

Aska News

La Versione di Gunter: the e-commerce of less well known wineries.

Identità Golose

La Versione di Gunter: Rare and fine wines, on unexpected routes... just a click away.

Italia a Tavola

Heroic viticulture in the Azores, in the heart of the Ocean.

Cibo Today

A wine enthusiast opens the first e-commerce that sells only rare bottles.

Food&Wine Italia

La Versione di Gunter offers an unusual approach to the industry and allows less well known wineries to get the showcase they deserve.

James Magazine

La Versione di Gunter: the first Italian platform for rare wines.

Wine Couture

La Versione di Gunter: the first Italian platform to discover rare wines and unknown wine regions.

Condé Nast Traveller

Wines for connoisseurs.  They are those selected by Gunter around the world. One sip is enough, together with his stories, to immediately feel like an Explorer.

La Cucina Italiana

La Versione di Gunter is the new portal that combines the storyteller's soul and passion for the wine of its creator.

Condé Nast Traveller

La Versione di Gunter is the new portal dedicated to those who love to uncork a wine and savour a new piece of the world each time.


For those who decide to follow him, Gunter promises an exotic tour around the tracks of the most secret and best wines of Europe and the world.


A subscription to La Versione di Gunter is an opening to the pleasure of discovery and is suited to those who have a curious nature, as well as a love of wine.


Before falling in love with things, Gunter falls in love with people. For him wine is a world of emotion and fascination.


La Versione di Gunter is an ambitious oenological and experiential project that aims to transform every sip into an original discovery.

Paesi del Gusto

Transforming tasting into a social ritual and getting to know the territories and the producers' stories. This is the leitmotiv behind La Versione di Gunter.


La Versione di Gunter: not an e-commerce, not a magazine dedicated to the world of fine wine, but a perfect synthesis of the two.


A series of real-life stories: modern-day storyteller Gunter talks about the people behind the wines.


An experience initially among friends which has opened up into an e-commerce site for telling stories, for inspiration and excitement.


Why subscribe to a wine e-commerce? To be part of a journey, an idea that connects wine and emotions.

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